Boost Your Productivity with Dedicated Remote Experts!
Seamless Integration, Zero Overhead, Unencumbered!
Unlock Global Talent With Seamless Integration!
Focus on Your Core Business, Leave the Rest to Us!

Welcome to Boardwalk Sourcing! At Boardwalk Sourcing we understand the challenges faced by businesses across the globe when it comes to finding cost-effective resources without compromising on quality. That’s why we’ve created a unique concept of remote office services that caters to the needs of companies seeking skilled professionals at competitive rates.

With our innovative approach, we bridge the geographical divide by offering a comprehensive suite of services designed to meet your specific requirements. Whether you’re a company based in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, or anywhere else in the world, we provide a seamless experience of having a dedicated team situated in our office, working exclusively for you.

Our Team
Teamwork builds trust and the trust build growth

Experienced entrepreneur specializing in optimizing team performance and ensuring timely client delivery. Proficient in remote office solutions, fostering cohesive work environments, streamlining processes, and driving accountability. Committed to facilitating business growth and exceeding client expectations.

Umair Mahmood

Ali Niaz Malik is a Canadian specialist in agency development and management. He is skilled at finding remote office solutions in the technical sector for businesses that want to take their corporations to the next level.

Ali Niaz Malik

Senior CPA, CGA, FCCA, CISA – Chartered Professional Accountant, Financial Consultant, & Tax Professional

Shafi Yakub